Casting Belt Pulley
1. Europe standard pullerys with taper bore, pilot bore and BV bore.
2. America standard sheaves
QD Sheaves, TB Sheaves, Pilot Bore Sheaves, Sheaves With Spilt. Taper Bushing
(H, P1&P2) and Single Light Duty Sheaves(AL type).
3. Variable pulleys, adjustable pulleys
4. Tapered-lock bushings, stock QD bushings, weld on HUBS.
5. With Kinds of coupling
6. Black finish or zinc plated.
7. Bushing for pulley, Kinds of coupling in cast iron.
Timing pulleys, constructed from high quality material, are finished with particular care and to fight dimensional tolerances.
Pulleys can be manufactured with or without taper locks as per customerdrawings.
Casting Belt Pulley